Family Seminars

Basic Seminar
The Basic Seminar addresses seven Biblical principles. That apply to every person, regardless of culture, religion, age, education, or social status.

Advanced Seminar
Building upon the foundational principles taught at the Basic Seminar, the Advanced Seminar discusses more specific application of Biblical principles.

Children’s Institute
Children’s Institutes use nature stories, songs, object lessons, and a “team” approach to encourage children aged 6–12 to develop Godly character and follow Biblical principles.
Other Seminars

Anger Seminar
The Anger Resolution Seminar equips individuals with the tools necessary for identifying and removing the root causes of anger.

Financial Freedom
The Financial Freedom Seminar gives God’s perspective on finances, and gives 20 essential goals for individuals to gain God’s wisdom in finances.

Total Health Seminar
The Total Health Seminar explores God’s design for health and nutrition. Topics include “How Stress causes Disease”, “Attitudes and Health”, “Principles of Biblical Nutrition” and much more.