What We Do

a brief overview of our ministry

The Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) was established for the purpose of introducing people to the Lord Jesus Christ, and is dedicated to giving individuals, families, churches, schools, communities, governments, and businesses clear instruction and training on how to find success by following God’s principles found in Scripture.

These goals are accomplished primarily through seminars, educational programs, printed literature, and the operation of centers to facilitate training.

You are invited to explore and avail yourself of the resources we offer.

For more information about IBLP outside Australia, and the programs and training they provide please see IBLP.org

The Telos Institute International

bibletelosA postsecondary, distance-learning school, The Telos Institute International enables students to conveniently complete course work at home and interact with mentors via e-mail. Students may earn an associate degree or a bachelor of arts degree in character development and an associate of arts degree in child and youth character development. Preliminary studies in mechanical engineering and Biblical perspectives in health care are also available. MORE AT TELOS.EDU >>

The Verity Program

verityThe Verity Program helps young people earn an accredited bachelor of arts or science degree in 21 months or less from one of several accredited institutions. The Verity program does not grant degrees or academic credit towards a degree, but it provides accountability and a structured study environment for mature and highly motivated students who desire to earn credit through independent study, testing, portfolios, and distance-learning courses.

While going through the Verity program, students will be challenged and encouraged with Biblical instruction, ministry training, and character development in preparation for their life purpose, as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.MORE AT VERITY.IBLP.ORG >>

Alert Academy

The International ALERT Academy (IAA) is a unique Christian training and service organization. Their goal is “Preparing Generations to be Followers of Christ,” as they seek to equip individuals with tools to better prepare them for the specific callings God has placed on each of their lives.

IAA encompasses many camps and conferences from its base in East Texas.

International Ministerial Institute

imiEstablished for the purpose of preparing young people for ministry, IMI encourages young men and women to develop a passion for God and a desire for the Holy Spirit in every aspect of practical living and future service. Students are challenged to live as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, to allow God to transform them into a royal priesthood, to rely only on His abilities and power, and to be a pure vessel set apart for His use in the world.

The Institute in Basic Life Principles affirms the cardinal doctrines of Scripture that have been defended by historic statements of faith. These include the divine inspiration of Scripture, the deity of Christ, the original sin nature of man, the atonement for sin by Christ’s shed blood, and the justification by faith in Jesus as the Christ.