is a fun filled day for all ages, where you can join with other families in learning the Commands of Christ.
Character Fun Hour
The Character Fun Hour is a free, fortnightly 1 hour Zoom call where children can join in and interact with others as we look at a different character quality. Each Friday from 2:00-3:00, we learn songs, poems and verses that all relate to the character quality and interact with games and activities.
With ages ranging from 5-15 (though there is no official age limit) we have great fellowship as we focus on how to mirror Christ's character in a specific way. Any new comers are welcome. To join in all you need to do is to email info@iblp.org.au and request to be added to the Character Fun Hour email list. Then you will be contacted each fortnight with all the details you need to sign in to the Character Fun Hour.
For online safety we have both a password and a waiting room, associated with the zoom call, so you will need to let us know each week if you are planning on joining in so that we know to admit you from the waiting room. Sign up now to join in the fellowship, fun and character growth that is the Character Fun Hour!

Basic Seminar

Advanced Seminar